Are you torn between Money and Purpose?

The 3 Big Mistakes Purpose-Driven Entrepreneurs Make e-book examines most common life purpose misconceptions that result in Spiritual Money Blocks, preventing you from full prosperity and life satisfaction.

Dr. Ollga Belova is the founder and creator of Purpose to Profit Quantum Leap System. She is an Organizational Psychologist and Business Coach.

Removing her own Spiritual Money Blocks, in 5 years she went from a reclusive graduate student with $200K debt in educational loans to a top-tier HR Executive with a defended dissertation, zero debt, a completed Oxford MBA; became a Business School educator, and a world traveler.

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    The Hidden Prosperity Saboteurs

    There are several types of money blocks - each must be addressed with a specific approach. Spiritual Money Blocks can only be resolved through the proper alignment of your life purpose.

    Rush into your purpose, and it will burn you out. Learn what to do instead!

    You Are Not Alone!

    Mistakes that lead to Spiritual Money Blocks are universal. You are not alone, and these mistakes have nothing to do with your business acumen, mindset, or financial literacy.

    If you are making these mistakes and still doing well, imagine what you could accomplish if you corrected them?

    Journey to Prosperity

    It is impossible to write about money and purpose without going into the actual experiences of entrepreneurs who made mistakes yet came through victorious.

    By sharing their journeys, I hope to illustrate that meaning and prosperity are not abstract concepts; they result from awareness and specific actions and are available to you.